A short design exercise: Tic-Tac-Toe in Clojure

Inspired by this thread, where a programmer implemented tic-tac-toe in about 100 LOC.

A 2 player, no-ai implementation of Tic Tac Toe. Playable through the command line. The user inputs one of TL, TC, TR, L, C, R, BL, BC, BR to indicate where they want to put their piece.

a sample game:

> _|_|_
> _|_|_
>  | |
> X's turn. Where do you want to go?
> C
> _|_|_
> _|X|_
>  | |
> O's turn. Where to you want to go?
> TC
> _|0|_
> _|X|_
>  | |
> _|O|_
> X|X|X
> O| |
> X wins!

Game logic

Start with the game logic. I’ll need a place :: board position -> board (place will have to detect if a move is legal) and a won? board -> \X \O or nil (won will have to check if there are 3 in a row). I’ll need to print the board

A 9-length array is probably the simplest structure for the board. The board will be initialized as nils, and have “X” or “O” put in positions.

(def places (zipmap ["TL" "TC" "TR" "L" "C" "R" "BL" "BC" "BR"] (range)))
(defn place [board position player] (assoc board (places position) player))
(def init-board (vec (repeat 9 nil)))

(place init-board "C" "X")
;; [nil nil nil 
;;  nil "X" nil 
;;  nil nil nil]
(place init-board "TL" "O")
;; ["O" nil nil 
;;  nil nil nil
;;  nil nil nil]

To detect if a board is won (has three of the same symbol in a row), you need to pull out the rows, columns and diagonals.

(defn rows [board] (partition 3 board))
(defn cols [board] (apply map vector (rows board)))
(defn diags [[a _ b _ c _ d _ e]] [[a c e] [b c d]])
(defn all-trips [board] (mapcat #(% board) [rows cols diags]))
(defn won? [board] (some #(or (apply = "X" %) (apply = "O" %)) (all-trips board)))

(won? [nil nil nil
       nil nil nil
       nil nil nil])
;; => nil
(won? ["X" "X" "X"
       nil nil nil
       nil nil nil])
;; => true
(won? ["X" "O" "X"
       nil nil nil
       nil nil nil])
;; => nil
(won? ["X" "O" "X"
       "X" nil nil
       "X" nil nil])
;; => true
(won? ["X" "O" "X"
       "O" nil nil
       "X" nil nil])
;; => nil
(won? ["X" "O" "X"
       "O" "X" nil
       "X" nil nil])
;; => true

And a draw is just when every slot is filled and the board isn’t won:

(defn draw? [board] (and (not (won? board)) (every? #{"X" "O"} board)))

(draw? ["X" "O" "X"
        "O" "O" "X"
        "X" "X" "O"])
;; => true

A move is legal if it’s one of the recognized positions, and the slot isn’t already filled:

(defn legal? [board position]
  (and ((set (keys places)) position)
       (nil? (get board (places position)))))

(legal? init-board "C") ;; => true
(legal? init-board "BBL") ;; => nil
(legal? (place init-board "C" "X") "C") ;; => false

Gameloop and IO

Now a quick way to print the board1 1 Join is imported from Clojure.String - I don’t love the unqualified import because the common idiom here is str/join. But it’s OK for this small program.

(defn print-board [board]
  (println (join "\n" (map #(join " " %) (partition 3 board)))))

You could definately get fancier, but this does the job.

I found it better to have _ as the empty character, as that maintains spacing more easily. That caused a problem with legal, since I’m relying on the fact that empties are nil. This is probably a bad idea anyway: I’ve decided what constitutes a ‘placed’ character (X or O), so I really shouldn’t care what an empty space is. It’s just “not X or O”. so Take 2.

(defn legal? [board position]
  (and ((set (keys places)) position)
       (not (#{"X" "O"} (get board (places position))))))

Luckily that’s the only place I put an explicit nil.

I think that’s all I need to implement the game itself. It’s going to be a recursive function that:

(defn play [board player off-turn moves])

The initial signature. Player and offturn will be X and O, since having these to hand is useful. Moves is a temp counter to prevent infinite loops, always a good idea when implementing a recursive function

(defn play2 [board player off-player moves]
  (print-board board)
  (cond (> moves 9) :break
        (won? board) (println (str off-player " wins!"))
        (draw? board) (println "Game is drawn")
        :else :unmpl))

Implementing the break and termination conditions. Not the off-player wins in the case of a won board, because they’re the last person to place a piece.

(play2 ["X" "X" "X"
        "_" "O" "_"
        "O" "_" "O"] "O" "X" 0)
;; =>
;; X X X
;; _ O _
;; O _ O
;; X wins!
(defn play [board player off-player moves]
  (print-board board)
  (cond (> moves 9) :break
        (won? board) (println (str off-player " wins!"))
        (draw? board) (println "Game is drawn")
        (do (println (str player "'s turn. Enter (tb)/(lcr)"))
            (recur (place board (read-line) player)
                   off-player player
                   (inc moves)))))

Implementing the recursion, getting input from the player. The problem here it there’s no way to validate the input. So put a separate function here:

(defn get-legal-move [board]
  (let [move (upper-case (read-line))]
    (if (legal? board move) move
        (do (println "That's an illegal move!")
            (recur board)))))

(defn play [board player off-player moves]
  (print-board board)
  (cond (> moves 9) :break
        (won? board) (println (str off-player " wins!"))
        (draw? board) (println "Game is drawn")
        (do (println (str player "'s turn. Enter (tb)/(lcr)"))
            (recur (place board (get-legal-move board) player)
                   off-player player
                   (inc moves)))))

Note I also put an upper-case function in here, so the program itself will be scoped for upper case letters.

This is now a complete implementation. Some cleaning up:

(defn play
  ([] (play init-board "X" "O"))
  ([board player off-player]
   (print-board board)
   (cond (won? board) (println (str off-player " wins!"))
         (draw? board) (println "Game is drawn")
         (do (println (str player "'s turn. Enter (tb)/(lcr)"))
             (recur (place board (get-legal-move board) player)
                    off-player player)))))

(defn -main [] (play))

Here’s the full program. It’s about 35 LOC in total, with about 14 (down to legal?) for the game logic itself, and the rest being orchestration. There are probably some bugs in there, and I never actually compiled it to a jar file. But I think it’s good enough for an exercise.

(ns tictactoe
  (:require [clojure.string :refer [upper-case join]]))

(def places (zipmap ["TL" "TC" "TR" "L" "C" "R" "BL" "BC" "BR"] (range)))
(defn place [board position player] (assoc board (places position) player))
(def init-board (vec (repeat 9 "_")))

(defn rows [board] (partition 3 board))
(defn cols [board] (apply map vector (rows board)))
(defn diags [[a _ b _ c _ d _ e]] [[a c e] [b c d]])
(defn all-trips [board] (mapcat #(% board) [rows cols diags]))
(defn won? [board] (some #(or (apply = "X" %) (apply = "O" %)) (all-trips board)))
(defn draw? [board] (and (not (won? board)) (every? #{"X" "O"} board)))

(defn legal? [board position]
  (and ((set (keys places)) position)
       (not (#{"X" "O"} (get board (places position))))))

(defn print-board [board]
  (println (join "\n" (map #(join " " %) (partition 3 board)))))

(defn get-legal-move [board]
  (let [move (upper-case (read-line))]
    (if (legal? board move) move
        (do (println "That's an illegal move!")
            (recur board)))))

(defn play
  ([] (play init-board "X" "O"))
  ([board player off-turn]
   (print-board board)
   (cond (won? board) (println (str off-turn " wins!"))
         (draw? board) (println "Game is drawn")
         (do (println (str player "'s turn. Enter (tb)/(lcr)"))
             (recur (place board (get-legal-move board) player)
                    off-turn player)))))

(defn -main [] (play))

Comparing this against the link that started this post, I have the following observations:

(def trips [0 1 2 0 4 8 ,,,])
(defn get-trips [board] (partition 3 (map #(get board %) trips)))