Joe's Blog

Other stuff

Blog posts

2025-01-21Generating Voronoi Diagrams using Fortune's Algorithm
2025-01-18Clojure core.async.flow: A first look
2022-12-31Adventures in Bitemporality
2022-10-29Probabilistic Programming and Distributions
2022-10-14Agile in 1,500 Words
2022-10-13Propagator Programming Model 1 - a first look
2022-10-02Product Management in 1,000 Words
2022-09-13Modern Energy Grids and Distributed Energy Resources
2022-08-22A short design exercise: Tic-Tac-Toe in Clojure
2022-08-06Linux Window Manager Part 3: Building a Window Manager
2022-07-31Linux Window Manager Part 1: What is a Window Manager?
2022-05-30Reflections on a modelling framework
2022-05-14Kernel Development Part 3: Protected Mode and the Global Descriptor Table
2022-05-14Kernel Development Part 2: The Interrupt Vector Table and Real Mode IO
2022-05-14Kernel Development Part 1: Booting into Real Mode
2022-05-14Chess: White vs. Computer (1200) 14th May 2022: Win, 0 blunders, 1 mistake
2022-05-12Chess: White vs. Computer (1100) 12th May 2022: Win, 0 blunders, 1 mistake
2022-05-08Malloc.c and memory allocation in UNIX
2022-05-08Chess: White vs. Computer (1100) 8th May 2022: Win, 0 blunders, 0 mistakes
2022-05-07Summary: Maker's Schedule, Managers Schedule, by Paul Graham
2022-05-06Chess: White vs. Computer (1100) 5th May 2022: Win, 2 blunders, 4 mistakes
2022-05-02Summary: Anatomy of a Terminal Emulator
2022-04-25How Money Moves Around a Banking system
2022-04-24Starting Over: A clean slate and new publication program
2021-10-09Notes on the life and character of Eisenhower Part 1: World War 2
2021-05-08Dijkstra's shortest path
2021-04-03Church Numerals
2020-12-13Solutions to systems of Linear Congruences and AOC2020 Day 13
2020-08-23Summary of Shape Up
2020-08-17How to set up shadow-cljs
2020-04-22Summary: ORMS are the Vietnam of computer science